Monday, December 30, 2019

Adolescent Pregnancy And How It Has Changed Society

Teen pregnancy and how it has become so common in our society is a difficult topic to dissect. It is a concerning issue which is faced with plenty of controversy and criticism from various groups that make up our society. To understand the ever evolving complexity in this matter, one must educate themselves on how the roles of women and men have changed in our society over many decades, if not centuries. There are many areas to investigate about adolescent pregnancy and how it has developed into a global issue. Adolescent pregnancy has challenged this nation for many years. This study will examine how this issue creates complications that severely impacts various aspects of our society and to also understand that our society has†¦show more content†¦As a bi-product of this social gap, these changes cause groups of poverty to develop, where education is not valued as high or encouraged to children living in less than average conditions. Those who find themselves ready for pos t-secondary education are faced with the financial challenges which again keeps the youth held back, not being able to plan effectively. Generations raised in these environments have unstable family foundations that give neglect towards child growing up in this atmosphere and these are the children that grow up into adolescents who are unfortunately likely to be misguided and ill-advised about life. The high demands of the economy have kept the younger population more dependent on parents for a much longer period of time than in the past (Elliott, S. 2010), and as a result this has left groups with no access to viable economic opportunities that allows them to effectively prepare for their future. The increase in age for women getting married is directly related to the changing roles that women are playing in our society. For the first time in recent history, the Canadian government has seen an equal split of male and female bodies in the House of Commons. This is a clear representation of an increase in success in their careers, however, women who are dedicated to a demanding role in society can face many challenges in maintaining balance within their household and also raising a family. As a result, less women are getting married toShow MoreRelatedPregnancy in Our Youth: What Gives?755 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout the past fifty years, the rate of teenagers and adolescents becoming pregnant has increased dramatically. It was believed during the time of previous generations that if you were to become pregnant, you were not fit to finish school to take care of the child. If it was even attempted to finish school, most girls would drop out anyway due to the shame set upon their peers. Now, in 2013, it is not uncommon to see a fourteen or fifteen year old who is expecting a child. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Tyco Organization - 1214 Words

Tyco Corporation Management 330 March 20, 2009 Introduction During the course of this paper one will see addressed several issues of responsibilities that the Tyco Corporation must deal with. Some of these issues are ones that they have had to deal with quite recently. The responsibilities that one will see discussed are the legal, social and ethical issues that arise in a company that is nationally known. Legal Tyco provides products and services across the world. The company is global and diversified providing a variety of products including electronics, healthcare, fire and security services and engineered products and services. While employing over 250,000 people worldwide they grossed approximately $40†¦show more content†¦Social When looking at the social responsibility of companies one must realize that contributing to the greater good is not only a marketing tool but an actual marketing opportunity. The corporation must see the whole picture. Once they make a mistake the corporation must face the music other than lying to the public. Telling the truth will build trust, thus making the public become more forgiving to the companies flaws. A growing issue worldwide is the idea of corporate social responsibility. This is the idea of the corporation’s responsibility to the society and its commitment to grow the shareholders profits. The social responsibility starts in the maintenance department and flows all the way up to the executives in the corporation. The company needs to pride itself on achieving its goals and objectives with the corporate social responsibility. These goals can include on the job safety, waste reduction and the management choosing suppliers that are also committed to t he corporate social responsibilities. Tyco now has a booklet entitled â€Å"Tyco’s Guide to Supplier Social Responsibility† this booklet talks to the corporation’s employees about the social responsibility that is expected. The company expects that the relationships whether inter or Intra Company is based on a foundation of integrity. Tyco believes that their suppliers also must share their core values, which include:Show MoreRelatedCreating a Plan for Positive Influence1093 Words   |  5 PagesTyco International Ltd. was started by Arthur Rosenburg in 1960 and became owned publicly in 1964. Within 1973 to 2001, Tyco International Ltd. Grew swiftly amid the acquisitions of different companies with â€Å"annual revenues of more than $500 million and a net worth of nearly $149 million (Tyco, 2004-2009). The New York Stock Exchange depicts Tyco International Ltd. as a â€Å"diversified global provider of security products and services, fire protection and de tection products and services, valves andRead MoreThe Culture Of An Organization2406 Words   |  10 Pagesculture of an organization is like a river. It can be fluid, strong and consistent, serving as lubricant while guiding its members in the right direction. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Michael Fullan and his Long-lasting Legacy Free Essays

string(77) " that the more complex society gets, the more sophisticated leading must go\." Michael Fullan is acknowledged as one of the leaders in teacher instruction and a major advocate of educational reform in the whole universe. He is an icon in the planetary academic community and holds esteemed places in honored educational establishments in Canada. The celebrated Fullan is a professor emeritus at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto and a physician of doctrine. We will write a custom essay sample on Michael Fullan and his Long-lasting Legacy or any similar topic only for you Order Now He was dean of the module of instruction at the University of Toronto from 1988 to 2003. Fullan has been conferred honorary doctor’s degrees from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland and from Nipissing University in Canada ( Prolonging Reform, 2005 ) . The pacemaker in primary plans of alteration in the school leading and plans for educational betterments is an writer of assorted publications on the topic of educational alteration. Michael Fullan is a fecund author. Some of his outstanding plants that have been given awards are The New Meaning of Educational Change, 3rd Edition, Leading in a Culture of Change, Change Forces: The Sequel, A Change Forces: Probing the Depths of Educational ReformA , and the What ‘s Deserving Fighting ForA series. His recent bestselling pieces are The Six Secrets of Change and Motion Leadership. His latest best sellers areA The Six Secrets of Change andA Motion Leadership. As an agent of alteration in the academic, Fullan has played a prima function as policy wise man, research worker and trainer on assorted undertakings in coaction with and for instructors ‘ associations, research and development organisations and international bureaus both in Canada and other states. He is at the nucleus of the group set abouting a four twelvemonth assessment of the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy in England. Michael Fullan is called the reform designer of Ontario. He enjoys strong concern connexions which stand to derive straight from his reforms. All of the reforms place greater accent on raising literacy and numeracy results through targeted support, ageless instructor and chief retraining, intensifying intercessions and greater answerability for standardised trial public presentation. He runs Michael Fullan Enterprises Inc. and Leadership4Change, and he occupies a topographic point on the board of international advisers of Microsoft ‘s, Partners in Learning. ( Thompson, 2009 ) . The Need for Change Fullan emphasizes that ‘effective school leaders are the cardinal to large-scale, sustainable instruction reform. For some clip, pedagogues have believed that principals must be instructional leaders if they are to be the effectual leaders needed for sustained invention. School capacity is the important variable impacting instructional quality and corresponding pupil accomplishment. At the bosom of school capacity are principals focused on the development of instructors ‘ cognition and accomplishments, professional community, plan coherency, and proficient resources ( Fullan, 2002 ) ‘ . As explained by Fullan, the load lies on the shoulders of the principals since they are chiefly responsible for originating and supervising the preparation of instructors so that the latter can be efficient and effectual conveyers of cognition to their pupils. Fink and Resnick suggest that school territory caputs should spearhead attempts to develop principals into instructional leaders who could accomplish a large-scale turnaround in literacy and numeracy. They described some nucleus schemes for developing the function of the principal as instructional leader, including five reciprocally reenforcing sets of strategic activities: nested larning communities, chief institutes, leading for direction, equal acquisition, and single coaching ( 2001, pp. 598-606 ) . The long-run function of principals, so, is to supply instructional leading for their instructors. With this trade name of headship, the instructors can be relied upon to transport out the basic duty of leaving to their several pupils the cognition that they deserve and need. Fullan adds, there is a demand for leaders who can make a cardinal transmutation in the acquisition civilizations of schools and of the instruction profession itself. The function of the principal as instructional leader is excessively narrow a construct to transport the weight of the sorts of reforms that will make the schools that we need for the hereafter. Like the concern leader, the principal of the hereafter, the cultural alteration principal, must be cognizant of the large image, that of a sophisticated conceptual mind who transforms the organisation through people and squads ( Fullan, 2001 ) . Similarly, ‘the other traits of a civilization alteration chief include the ability to attest a profound and thorough ethical rule. He or she must be a trendsetter and possess the adroitness to cover with the procedure of alteration and realizes that instruction is both an rational and moral profession. More significantly the civilization alteration principal should spot that constructing relationships and squads is the most hard accomplishment for both concern and instruction leaders ‘ . To be a successful leader of alteration, it is advisable to follow the statement that the distinguishable facet common to successful alteration is that relationships get better. Therefore, if relationships get better, schools develop. If relationships remain the same or acquire worse, land is lost. Therefore, leaders set up relationships with different people and groups. During hard times, emotional intelligence is imperative. Emotionally intelligent leaders are able to construct relationships because they are cognizant of their ain emotional make-up and are sensitive and animating to others ( Goleman, Boyatzis, A ; McKee, 2002 ) . Indeed, sweeping alterations must happen in the instruction sector and when these alterations have been implemented, school decision makers, principals and instructors must see to it that these additions should be sustained and protected. As indicated by Fullen, the chief point is about a alteration in the civilization of schools and a alteration in the civilization of learning. ‘Reculturing is the chief work of leading, and it requires an implicit in conceptualisation of the cardinal elements that feed it. It is the context of the school and territory in which they work which means that principals have to be about as concerned about the success of other schools in the territory as they are about their ain schools. ‘ Effective Leadership In his book, Leading for Change, Michael Fullan affirms that the more complex society gets, the more sophisticated leading must go. You read "Michael Fullan and his Long-lasting Legacy" in category "Essay examples" The eventuality theoretical account is intended to supply a model that will gestate leading as a developmental procedure that will take into history the dynamic and unstable context of the school by associating the most appropriate leading manner to the demands of the school. Fixing leaders to successfully work within a context of alteration and uncertainness is overriding. Guaranting that these leaders get the cognition and accomplishments necessary to utilize these assorted theoretical accounts is imperative ( Stewart, 2006 ) . Merely like corporate organisations, educational establishments depend on leading for continued being. They have to go learning organisations to digest all obstructions and win in their projects. Training and bring forthing effectual leaders in educational establishments can non be limited to instilling effectual traits in people. Organizations and schools should be developed to back up the corporate signifier of leading where persons feel safe, supported and free to believe and move creatively ( Stewart ) . The decisions of Arthur Levine about leading readying plans were non at all encouraging. The quality of most readying plans for instruction leaders ranges from insufficient to gross outing. The state ‘s educational disposal plans need to fix high quality principals and overseers, who can take schools and school territories through the profound alterations called for under province betterment programs. More than 40 per centum of principals and a higher per centum of overseers are expected to go forth their occupations over the following decennary which means that the state faces an pressing demand to educate big Numberss of extremely skilled decision makers ( Levine, 2005 ) . Ii is hence imperative that the province should work closer with school decision makers, principals and instructors to pass the system that does non look to work decently. Educational direction plans need more polish if merely to determine that top-quality instructors, who can execute satisfactorily, are produced in the old ages to come. In response to this predication of Levine is a discourse by Schmoker, ‘the sarcasm is merely excessively much.A Your school, labeled underperforming or an tantamount term, has to develop an betterment program. A Unfortunately, it is merely such betterment planning that presently accounts for a big portion of school failure. ThereA areA straightforward, proven means for bettering accomplishment in virtually any school scene. But school betterment planning, like its sister, school reform merelyA distracts us from the difficult work ofA bettering instruction ( 2003 ) . Possibly, a really relevant theory espoused by Michael Fullan is his recommendation that Change is needed to develop schools as learning communities. Collegiality provides the best get downing point in the procedure of instructor regeneration. Traveling or larning enriched ‘ schools are what he calls professional acquisition communities. Teaching demands to be seen as a collective instead than an single endeavor. This is the ground why it means it is easier to learn in some schools than others. Successful schools enforce, through moral duties, consistent criterions and they are more likely to swear and value others and inquire for and portion expertness. This is what makes such schools easier to learn, and larn to learn better in, than others. Teachers in such schools are less likely to uncritically conform to enforce thoughts. They have developed the capacity to self reflect, to analyze pupil public presentation and act on their ain apprehensions ( Fullan, 2001 ) . Fullan portions to the populace, six alleged messages about alteration which are extremely pertinent to the points being discussed in this treatise. To sum up Fullan ‘s arrows on alteration, ‘the first is people should happen significance in reform to bring forth the coveted impact ; 2nd, bing schemes will non acquire us to where we want to travel ; third, although short-run additions can be achieved by standards-based reform, it is lifelessly if the decision is that schools should make more of the same ; 4th, the acquisition organization/community is more than a cliche ; 5th, we need to see the corporate good ; and sixth, we have to larn to populate with alteration. With regard to leading, Fullan mentions the four facets of leading, doing a difference in the lives of pupils ; perpetrating to cut downing the spread between high and low performing artists within your school or territory ; lending to cut downing the spread in the larger environment ; and transforming the working ( or larning conditions ) of others so that growing, committedness, battle, and changeless spawning of leading in others are being fostered. Finally, Fullan interpolates that leaders at many degrees must be cultivated as people learn in context. An organisation can non flourish-at least, non for long-on the actions of the top leader entirely. Schools and territories need many leaders at many degrees. Learning in context helps bring forth such leaders. Further, for leaders to be able to cover with complex jobs, they need many old ages of experience and professional development on the occupation. To some extent, a school leader ‘s effectivity in making a civilization of sustained alteration will be determined by the leaders he or she leaves behind ( 2002 ) . It is besides important at this point to understand the six secrets of alteration that Fullan wrote approximately so as to assist in dissecting the elements of leading and alteration. Fullan ‘s Six Secrets of Change Secret figure one is Love your Employees every bit much as your clients. Secret figure two is Connect Peers with Purpose. Secret figure three is Capacity Judgment trumps Judgementalism. Secret Number Four is Learning is the Work. Secret Number Five is Transparency Rules. Secret Number Six is Systems Learn ( Fullan, 2008 ) . Possibly, one of the most indispensable secrets is figure three – capacity-building undeniably precedes the development of the shared efficaciousness of the major participants to obtain the needful amendments in instruction every bit good as acquisition. Fullan highlights the demand to develop the corporate effectivity of a group of the whole system to really acquire more reform in instruction and acquisition and pupil results.A The three parametric quantities are new accomplishments and competences ; resources, thoughts, stuffs and money ; and the 3rd is motive as a capacity. When people are motivated the capacity goes up to acquire something done ( 2008 ) .A Learning is the work is merely every bit of import. Professional acquisition is what goes on twenty-four hours after day.A The indicant Fullan considered was ‘the difference between the effectual administrations and the less than effectual 1s as they had civilizations where learning and larning for the grownups was a core portion of the mundane civilization ‘ . Transparency is besides every bit critical because there should ever be accessA to pattern, informations, consequence and accomplishments. Meanwhile, linking equals with intent is about focussed equal communicating and lifting above the top-down and bottom-up difference. Systems Learn, says Fullan and although this may be abstract, it should be interpreted as being done operationally. Leaderships have to be on the dance floor and the balcony at the same clip ( Heifitz and Linsky, 2002 ) . Systems learn when you get this tri-level support underway, surely within a school if you think of turnover of caputs, school caputs, the chief job with turnover is non turnover itself but discontinuity of good way. A So the issue about systems larning is how you get continuity of good way, constructing on it but still that grade of continuity ( Fullan, 2008 ) .A Steping into leading functions is worth the hazard when your ends extend beyond material addition or personal promotion. By doing the lives of people around you better, leading provides significance to life. If alterations are efficaciously put in topographic point, most likely, the necessary educational reforms will be realized. During the last 20 old ages, the value and impact of the educational reform motion has been cause for a batch of arguments. Many school practicians and research workers have asserted that one fact remains clear: the function of the school decision maker has increased in complexness. In order to run into the challenge of this leading crisis, leaders from all degrees in school territories will necessitate to concentrate on systemic alteration to heighten alteration capacity and sustainability. The clip has come to alter the context of school in an attempt to do the place more rewarding and exciting. The function of the principal is polar to systemic school alteration and pupil accomplishment. Fullan shows how moral leading can reinvent the principal-ship and convey about large-scale school betterment by disputing all who work in instruction to rethink the critical function of the principal as school leader in the current epoch of answerability ( Normore, 2004 ) . Fullan adds that in complex societies, bring forthing and prolonging a critical public school system is a tall order. There must be a really competent learning force. However, this can non be achieved without leaders supplying the counsel and way. The principals, hence, play a polar function ( 2003 ) . Concentrating on Solutions In his protagonisms, Fullan broached the idea that a systematic reply is needed to postulate with the issues on the betterment of school leading. He proposes a tri-level solution that focuses on entire system transmutation through the witting, deliberate, brooding actions of the province in tri-level capacity edifice within a model of answerability. The school/community is the first of these degrees ; the territory or part is the mid degree ; and the province or policy degree is the 3rd. While the school/community and the district/region are making their several duties, the province has to demo the manner because system transmutation will non come about if the former fails to carry through its primary function. Government or province functionaries must plunge themselves in the cognition base about alteration, capacity-building within a model of answerability and as a consequence, start to believe otherwise. They have to move otherwise with regard to whom they appoint as leaders around them, what policies and schemes they formulate, and how they focus and enhance resources. Last, the province must radically redefine its relationship with the other two degrees by being more transparent, more involved, patterning and taking capacity edifice at their ain degree, and assisting to take and ease co-determined solutions across the other two degrees ( Fullan, 2005 ) . Large graduated table reforms will non work efficaciously. It should be a well-organize tri-level reform wherein all those who are involved monitor developments and larning from their experiences as they go along. Analyzing the Views of Michael Fullan The diverse and edifying academic point of views of Michael Fullan on school reform, school leading and instructor instruction have produced legion leads for much-needed reforms in the educational system of many establishments and caused the transmutation of the instruction profession. I to the full agree with Michael Fullan that the learning profession should be re-cultured or re-created. After all, his credibleness, expertness, academic and professional accomplishments every bit good as experience can non be doubted. As Fullan competently described, ‘the learning profession still has to come of age. This new professionalism should be collaborative and non independent. It must be unfastened instead than closed, outward looking instead than insular, and important but non commanding. More than anything else, the new professionalism will do immense demands on instructors ‘ ain acquisition to larn about: acquisition manners, multiple intelligences, how to incorporate engineering ; how to interact with grownups ‘out there ‘ and how to acquire more support for their instruction ‘ . The major points that Fullan raised about school leading are deserving sing and following for they are non merely phenomenal. His thoughts are really practical and can easy adaptable provided that a co-ordinated and uninterrupted coaction between the province, school leaders and instructors is formed. Finally, the new and yet sturdy mode in covering with the larning procedure wherein the single head blends with the corporate heads should be followed for merely through this system can alter be attained. There must be an merger of expertness and thoughts to convey about additions and educational transmutation in the old ages to come. There can be no other better description than the one given by the adult male they call the Agent of Change.A ‘Imposed constructions and criterions will ne’er by themselves be able to derive teacher committedness and inventiveness, but every bit, school left entirely will either be unable to portion effectual thoughts or go stray. A delicate balance of top down and bottom up reform will be required but to win single school must non merely experience that they are in control of their ain development but besides feel portion of a bigger society transformational motion something that is deserving contending for! ‘ 3004 Wordss How to cite Michael Fullan and his Long-lasting Legacy, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

The challenges of Business Ethics–Management

Question: Discuss two of the biggest challenges facing financial managers today. One of the articles should be about the challenge of maintaining ethical financial integrity and the other article should be on any other challenge that a financial manager may face? Answer: Introduction Financial managers otherwise known as funding managers face many challenges in their working lives. Their basic and one of the greatest challenge is to find best possible ways to invest money, whether it is raising funds, allocation of resources, planning of profit, dealing in the capital market. However, the role of the financial manager in an organization is to deal with complex and business activity by utilizing the resources in an efficient and a stable manner. Hence, a financial manager is not free from the challenges that are there in the global environment, whether it is to maintain ethical integrity or to face the challenge from competition of emerging markets, government intervention, business, industry or not-for-profit sector. Two major challenges faced by Financial Managers First Challenge - Maintaining Ethical Financial Integrity Financial managers in an organization face ethical issues on a daily basis. The fundamental problem in ethics is to carry out leadership responsibilities. It is of no great substance, whether they are engaged in planning, organization, motivation, communication or fact carrying out any management role because they face the matters with the moral values of right and wrong. Though the ethical issues are grouped according to different levels, the conflicts are identified between managers and stakeholder groups like customers, employees, competitors, law, suppliers, government, wholesalers, and retailers. These conflicts give rise to many ethical challenges on discrimination, pricing practices, firings, honesty in communications, giving of kickbacks and gifts and executing contracts with investors (Tamny, 2011) The ethical issue also consists of immoral management that leads to vulnerable solutions in which amorality may reign such that managerial wisdom will be unmatched with ethical wisdom. According to a major report from The Conference Board, CEO has accounted for ethical issues given on equity, honesty, rights and corporate power exercised. However, all ethical managers virtually face a conflict of interest. The conflict mainly arises between the manager's ethics or values and that those of employees, employer or stakeholder group that interest the decision of the organization (Tamny, 2011) Second Challenge Government Intervention The financial managers face challenges from the government as well when it comes to investing the funds in the prospective field. Nevertheless, the market of financial managers suffers from a political party system in which one party worships the funding document while the other ignores the issue and pretends to inform the constitution distantly. However, government intervention is considered interference in a business that lowers the profit of the organization. The challenge for government intervention is challenging because it views business as the means of promotion of all kinds of activities that distresses business, investors (financial managers), customers and employees. To solve the problem from government intervention, banks bail out the irresponsible borrowers a free pass on loans depending on the frugality for all economic growth. Although, savers and investors fund economic activities to keep the bank on life support. Nevertheless, the government's continuous federal meddling is the way to owing the ability to be profitable in a way that the federal government lets the organization grow but slowly stifles them (Jamnik, 2011). References Jamnik, A. (2011). The challenges of business ethicsmanagement and the question of ethics.Tourism and Hospitality Management,17(1), 141-152. Tamny, J. (2011)."Necessary" Bank Bailouts Harm the Economy, Wreck the Retrieved 2 March 2016, from

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The ongoing National Policy Debate through the lens of the American Enlightenment

A Summary of the Policy Reform Policy reform debate in the United States revolves around economic issues that the country is experiencing. Presently, the United States has a vast public debt. As a result, the United States is unable to meet its obligations towards its people and workers. Several states such as Illinois and California are almost bankrupt. Equally, most local governments have gone bankrupt, while rates of unemployment in the states remain relatively high.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The ongoing National Policy Debate through the lens of the American Enlightenment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The quest to address these issues seems to have raised lots of contention among people from both sides of government. The Republicans and Democrats argue overtly regarding the best way to manage the economy of the United States. However, there exists some agreement between key economists from both sides, on key issues that affect the nation. In my perspective, the ongoing national debate is not genuine, as it obtains fabrication to serve the interests of a few individuals. In other words, this debate is political and it does not seek to serve the interests of common citizens. This paper presents a discussion about issues surrounding policy reform using the instruments of the founding debates, principles, and documents of the United States. Comparative Analysis Social Contract: Representative Governance Social contract theory argues that the government has two key responsibilities. First, it is the role of the government to ensure that citizens do not hurt each other and second, the government must ensure that citizens keep promises amongst themselves. According to this theory, citizens must be ready to surrender some proportion of their liberty so as to maintain a stable, social context. This theory also recognizes the role of the constitution and the need to ratify the const itution as a part of the social contract. Besides, the theory advocates for capitalism. Looking back at the ongoing national policy debate in the United States, it seems like the Republicans do not fully recognize the governance by the Democrats. The Republicans should surrender some proportion of their liberty and allow the Democrats to develop policy reforms that best suits the nation.Advertising Looking for term paper on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Classical Liberalism: Natural Rights Classical liberalism recognizes that all people have an entitlement to natural rights (Rosenblum and Robert 27). These rights obtain a declaration in America’s independent clause. Classical liberalists maintain that natural rights should determine the correct size and functions of government. The philosophers agree that government often violates natural rights of citizens. They also argue that capitalism is the only mora l economic system, since it bases on voluntary action. One aspect of capitalism is property rights. America has property rights that get entrenched so well that their basic significance for the suitable functioning of the capitalist system becomes easily disregarded. Hence, policy reform should be directed towards attaining and safeguarding property rights. Faction: Pluralism Pluralism in a government refers to inclusion of rival parties in the government. Factions may destroy excellent governance since they ignore the need for the public wellbeing in a dispute involving rival parties and trigger instability. Besides, the most prevalent faction wins at all times in spite of rights or fairness. The only way to eradicate negative impacts of factions is to disallow liberty. This perspective describes the exact situation that the United States is experiencing. Most of the contentious issues that have caused the prolonged debate originate from the Republicans. Considering that the Republ icans occupy a key section of government executives, they may opt to oppose every policy that originates from the Democrats. Ambition: Elitism This perspective requires leaders to be elites who can succumb to the needs of the masses. Besides, this perspective requires leaders to be submissive. The Democrats involved seem to be more knowledgeable than the Republicans when it comes to the ongoing public debate on national policy. Besides, these Democrats are extremely confident and ambitious when it comes to policy formulation. Federalist Position Federalists support the constitution and do not consider the bill of rights as an essential tool for creating an incorrupt government. Federalists’ opinion is that economic factors have triggered the debate, but not the incompetence of the constitution. Anti Federalist Position Anti federalists hold the perspective that the constitution cannot offer adequate protection similar to the Bill of Rights. Anti federalists opinion is that th e United States, together with its local governments, are unable to meet their obligations towards their people and workers due to lack of an insufficient bills of rights system.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The ongoing National Policy Debate through the lens of the American Enlightenment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Constitutional Perspective The constitution stipulates responsibilities and rights of both executives and common citizens. While constitutions may not be faultless, written constitutions serve as the most excellent way of safeguarding different people and their interests. Hence, interests of Republicans obtain protection by the constitution. The United States Constitution recognizes democracy and the right of expression. Hence, the public policy debate is within the limits of the constitution. Bill of Rights Perspective The bill of rights protects civil liberties granted to each resident of the United States, as seen in the Fourteenth Amendment. Among these rights is the freedom of speech. Hence, both parties have a right to express their opinions through public debate. This tool entitles governments to meet their obligations towards citizens. Hence, the United States and entity local governments have denied these rights to their people by not providing adequate employment. Solutions: the Principle of Compromise and Consensus Federalism perspective The founding documents of the United States contain interests of citizens. The documents comprise the constitution, the declaration of independence, the bill of rights and amendments to the constitution (Jefferson 29). Politicians who seek to serve their individual interests should not be allowed to compromise any of the standards established in these documents, since they represent the American foundation. States Perspective The United States’ perspective on consensus and compromise is that Republicans should sup port extensive administration and elevated taxes. However, the government does not offer any examples of Democrats backing deregulation or reduction of taxes. According to the current government, the national interest is totally and wholly the growth of the scope, size and authority of government. The United States should, however, endeavor to provide the needs of its citizens. Most of these needs as identified by the debate include lack of employment and insolvency. The public policy debate should seek to address these issues, so as to ensure that life is affordable and comfortable to these citizens. Cooperative Federalism Perspective The public policy debate, in the United States, should embrace cooperative federalism perspective in order to solve the economic problems facing the entire state. It can be hard for representatives centered, in Washington, to identify the needs of entity states. Hence, entity states can establish effective and relevant policies through cooperative fed eralism. Besides, solving issues locally would involve a smaller population than solving these problems from Washington, as the number of those opposing significant perspectives would be less in these areas.Advertising Looking for term paper on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More My Proposal and Perspective From my perspective, the two parties should only compromise their principles, on public policy, after they conclude on the frailest agreements. This must happen because persons who show willingness to surrender their principles easily cannot be trusted to continue with the bargain. The purpose of compromise ought to be a win-win situation with both parties negotiating and not just agreeing. Conversely, consensus cannot be obtained in cases that involve a few people with similar minds. Whenever the effect of this public policy debate does not satisfy both parties, such consensus should not take effect as there will be lacking enough commitment towards the effort. The debate on public policy has turned out to be totally disconnected from consensus to a certain direction. Irritated Republicans have forced their members to accept positions that are in conflict with aspects of modern economic scholars. While this may serve the political needs of the Republican s, the policy is not suitable. The difference between the situation of economic information and public policy debate in America has significant effects. At present, many residents in the United States are experiencing difficulties because of high unemployment. Many books in the country contain potential solutions. However, Congressional Republicans do not create room for such books to be examined. Rather, they also obstruct those policy plans that do not seem to have any controversies, from the perspective of most economists. Works Cited Jefferson, Thomas. The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confederation. Radford, VA: Wilder Publications, 2008. Print. Rosenblum, Nancy and Robert Post. Civil Society and Government. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2002. Print. This term paper on The ongoing National Policy Debate through the lens of the American Enlightenment was written and submitted by user Sylas Walters to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Rosenberg Espionage Case

The Rosenberg Espionage Case The execution of New York City couple Ethel and Julius Rosenberg after their conviction for being Soviet spies was a major news event of the early 1950s. The case was intensely controversial, touching nerves throughout American society, and debates about the Rosenbergs continue to the present day. The basic premise  of the Rosenberg case was that Julius, a committed communist, passed secrets of the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union, which helped the USSR develop its own nuclear program. His wife Ethel was accused of conspiring with him, and her brother, David Greenglass, was a conspirator who turned against them and cooperated with the government. The Rosenbergs, who were arrested in the summer of 1950, had come under suspicion when a Soviet spy, Klaus Fuchs, confessed to British authorities months earlier. Revelations from Fuchs led the FBI to the Rosenbergs, Greenglass, and a courier for the Russians, Harry Gold. Others were implicated and convicted for participating in the spy ring, but the Rosenbergs drew the most attention. The Manhattan couple had two young sons. And the idea that they could be spies putting the national security of the United States at risk fascinated the public. On the night the Rosenbergs were executed, June 19, 1953, vigils were held in American cities protesting what was widely seen as a great injustice. Yet many Americans, including President Dwight Eisenhower, who had taken office six months earlier, remained convinced of their guilt. Over the following decades controversy over the Rosenberg case never entirely faded. Their sons, who had been adopted after their parents died in the electric chair, persistently campaigned to clear their names. In the 1990s declassified material established that American authorities had been solidly convinced that Julius Rosenberg had been passing secret national defense material to the Soviets during World War II. Yet a suspicion that first arose during the Rosenbergs trial in the spring of 1951, that Julius could not have known any valuable atomic secrets, remains. And the role of Ethel Rosenberg and her degree of culpability remains a subject for debate. Background of the Rosenbergs Julius Rosenberg was born in New York City in 1918 to a family of immigrants and grew up on Manhattans Lower East Side. He attended Seward Park High School in the neighborhood and later attended City College of New York, where he received a degree in electrical engineering. Ethel Rosenberg had been born Ethel Greenglass in  New York City in 1915. She had aspired to a career as an actress but became a secretary. After becoming active in labor disputes she became a communist, and met Julius in 1936 through events organized by the Young Communist League. Julius and Ethel married in 1939. In 1940 Julius Rosenberg joined the U.S. Army and was assigned to the Signal Corps. He worked as an electrical inspector and began passing military secrets to Soviets agents during World War II. He was able to obtain documents, including plans for advanced weaponry, which he forwarded to a Soviet spy whose cover was working as a diplomat at the Soviet consulate in New York City. Julius Rosenbergs apparent motivation was his sympathy for the Soviet Union. And he believed that as the Soviets were allies of the United States during the war, they should have access to Americas defense secrets. In 1944, Ethels brother David Greenglass, who was serving in the U.S. Army as a machinist, was assigned to the top-secret Manhattan Project. Julius Rosenberg mentioned that to his Soviet handler, who urged him to recruit Greenglass as a spy. In early 1945 Julius  Rosenberg was discharged from the Army when his membership in the American Communist Party was discovered. His spying for the Soviets  had apparently gone unnoticed. And his espionage activity continued with his recruitment of his brother-in-law, David Greenglass. After being recruited by Julius Rosenberg, Greenglass, with the cooperation of his wife Ruth Greenglass, began passing  notes on the Manhattan Project to the Soviets. Among the secrets Greenglass passed along were sketches of parts for the type of bomb which was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. In early 1946 Greenglass was honorably discharged from the Army. In civilian life he went into business with Julius Rosenberg, and the two men struggled to operate a small machine shop in lower Manhattan. Discovery and Arrest In the late 1940s, as the threat of communism gripped America, Julius Rosenberg and David Greenglass seemed to have ended their espionage careers. Rosenberg was apparently still sympathetic to the Soviet Union and a committed communist, but his access to secrets to pass along to Russian agents had dried up. Their career as spies might have remained undiscovered if not for the arrest of Klaus Fuchs, a German physicist who had fled the Nazis in the early 1930s and continued his advanced research in Britain. Fuchs worked on secret British projects during the early years of World War II, and then was brought to the United States, where he was assigned to the Manhattan Project. Fuchs returned to Britain after the war, where he eventually came under suspicion because of family ties to the communist regime in East Germany. Suspected of spying, was interrogated by the British and in early 1950 he confessed to passing atomic secrets to the Soviets. And he implicated an American, Harry Gold, a communist who had worked as a courier delivering material to Russian agents. Harry Gold was located and questioned by the FBI, and he confessed to having passed atomic secrets to his Soviet handlers. And he implicated David Greenglass, the brother-in-law of Julius Rosenberg. David Greenglass was arrested on June 16, 1950. The next day, a front-page headline in the New York Times read, Ex-G.I. Seized Here On Charge He Gave Bomb Data to Gold. Greenglass was interrogated by the FBI, and told how he had been drawn into an espionage ring by his sisters husband. A month later, on July 17, 1950, Julius Rosenberg was arrested at his home on Monroe Street in lower Manhattan. He maintained his innocence, but with Greenglass agreeing to testify against him, the government appeared to have a solid case. At some point Greenglass offered information to the FBI implicating his sister, Ethel Rosenberg. Greenglass claimed he had made notes at Manhattan Project labs at Los Alamos and Ethel had typed them up before the information was passed to the Soviets. The Rosenberg Trial The trial of the Rosenbergs was held at the federal courthouse in lower Manhattan in March 1951. The government argued that both Julius and Ethel had conspired to pass atomic secrets to Russian agents. As the Soviet Union had detonated its own atomic bomb in 1949, the public perception was that the Rosenbergs had given away the knowledge that enabled the Russians to build their own bomb. During the trial, there was some skepticism expressed by the defense team that a lowly machinist, David Greenglass, could have supplied any useful information to the Rosenbergs. But even if the information passed along by the spy ring wasnt very useful, the government made a convincing case that the Rosenbergs intended to help the Soviet Union. And while the Soviet Union had been a wartime ally, in the spring of 1951 it was clearly seen as an adversary of the United States. The Rosenberg, along with another suspect in the spy ring, electrical technician Morton Sobell, were found guilty on March 28, 1951. According to an article in the New York Times the following day, the jury had deliberated for seven hours and 42 minutes. The Rosenbergs were sentenced to death by Judge Irving R. Kaufman on April 5, 1951. For the next two years they made various attempts to appeal their conviction and sentence, all of which were thwarted in the courts. Execution and Controversy Public doubt about the Rosenbergs trial and the severity of their sentence prompted demonstrations, including large rallies held in New York City. There were serious questions about whether their defense attorney during the  trial had made damaging mistakes that led to their conviction. And, given the questions about the value of any  material they would have passed to the Soviets, the death penalty seemed excessive. The Rosenbergs were executed in the electric chair at Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, New York, on June 19, 1953. Their final appeal, to the United States Supreme Court, had been denied seven hours before they were executed. Julius Rosenberg was placed in the electric chair first, and received the first jolt of 2,000 volts at 8:04 p.m. After two subsequent shocks he was declared dead at 8:06 p.m. Ethel Rosenberg followed him to the electric chair immediately after her husbands body had been removed, according to a newspaper story published the next day. She received the first electric shocks at 8:11 p.m, and after repeated shocks a doctor declared that she was still alive. She was shocked again, and was finally declared dead at 8:16 p.m. Legacy of the Rosenberg Case David Greenglass, who had testified against his sister and brother-in-law, was sentenced to federal prison and was eventually paroled in 1960. When he walked out of federal custody, near the docks of lower Manhattan, on November 16, 1960, he was heckled by longshoreman, who yelled out that he was a lousy communist and a dirty rat. In the late 1990s, Greenglass, who had changed his name and lived with his family out of public view, spoke to a New York Times reporter. He said the government forced him to testify against his sister by threatening to prosecute his own wife (Ruth Greenglass had never been prosecuted). Morton Sobel, who had been convicted along with the Rosenbergs, was sentenced to federal prison and was paroled in January 1969. The two young sons of the Rosenbergs, orphaned by the execution of their parents, were adopted by family friends and grew up as Michael and Robert Meeropol. They have campaigned for decades to clear their parents names. In 2016, the final year of the Obama administration, the sons of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg contacted the White House to seek a statement of exoneration for their mother. According to a December 2016 news report, White House officials said they would consider the request. However, no action was taken on the case.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Contrast and Compare Absorption Costing with Marginal Costing Essay

Contrast and Compare Absorption Costing with Marginal Costing - Essay Example The Strict adherence to a particular costing method is critically important to effectively managing the finance in a firm since its management will be bale to make proper appraisal of the productivity as well as performance of various costs units in the firm. This piece of research reviews full costing and variable costing and outlines the conceptual framework and key assumptions of these cost methods. This paper compares and contrasts these approaches to product and services costing with a view to explain whether the choice of full costing or variable costing still matter or not. Full Costing: Conceptual Framework and key assumptions Full costing, also commonly termed as Absorption Costing, refers to a costing method in which all manufacturing costs, including variable as well as fixed costs, are attributed to the production costs. Hilton, Maher and Selto (200, p. 58) stated that full costing applies all manufacturing-overheads to manufactured goods along with direct materials and d irect labor costs. Full costing is also termed as absorption costing because it absorbs and recovers both fixed and variable costs (Heisinger, 2009, p. 276). The cost incurred for the production of a unit is considered as variable cost per unit plus an allocated share of the fixed overheads (Jawahar-Lal, 2008, p. 627, Nigam, Nigam and Jain, 2004, p. 398). In full costing, direct costs are directly allocated to the cost units and manufacturing overhead-costs are taken to the product and other overheads. Direct material costs and direct labor costs are variable costs and these are directly attributed to the product. But, fixed costs are charged over different products that the firm manufactures over a given period of time (Williams, Haka and Bettner, 2004, p. 923, Jiambalvo, 2009, p. 181). Inventory costs should include all production overheads with fixed as well as variable costs and therefore SSAP 9 considers Full Costing as an essential requirement for the external reporting purpos es if the firm has to undergo it (Broadbent, Broadbent and Cullen, 2003, p. 92). In Full Costing method, the demand of the product is never considered, but prices are considered as the functions of the costs. Full costing includes pasts costs that may not always be relevant to the present decision making purposes and pricing determinants (Jackson, Sawyers and Jenkins, 2008, p. 228, Drury. 2006, p. 227) In Full Costing method, the demand of the product is never considered, but prices are considered as the functions of the costs. Full costing includes pasts costs that may not always be relevant to the present decision making purposes and pricing determinants. It is therefore criticized that Full costing may not be able to provide reliable and accurate information in order to make decision making be effective (Boardguess, 2009). Variable Costing: Conceptual Framework and key assumptions As detailed above, Full costing includes direct materials, direct labors and both variable and fixed manufacturing overheads that are incurred in manufacturing a product. In contrast, variable costing doesn’

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Intelligence profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Intelligence profile - Essay Example A graduate of Carleton University (B.A.) and the University of Western Ontario (M.B.A., Ph.D.), Dr. Calof focuses his research and publications on international competitive intelligence. 3. Professor Calof focuses his research on international competitive intelligence and the application of knowledge for innovation. A director of the Canadian Institute of Competitive Intelligence, Jonathan has given over 500 speeches, seminars and keynote addresses around the world on competitive intelligence and has helped several of Canada's largest companies and government agencies enhance their intelligence capabilities. In recognition of his contribution to the competitive intelligence field, Jonathan was presented with the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professional's (SCIP) Catalyst award. Jonathan Calof has more than 100 publications to his credit. He is the co-author of "Competitive Intelligence - Keys to Success" and has contributed to several books. He has also published articles in j ournals such as Competitive Intelligence Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Business Quarterly, International Journal of Small Business Management, International Business Review. As well, Dr. Calof has been given awards and honours from several academic associations, including the Academy of Business Administration, the International Council for Small Business - South Africa, the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, and the Academy of International Business. His case, Sterling Marking Product's, was recognized for being one of the top 10 cases sold by the Ivey School of Business in 1998 and his article For King and For Country on competitive intelligence was selected as being among the best articles in Business Quarterly. Interest in his work has also resulted in several interviews on radio and in print in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, South Africa and New Zealand. He has been featured in such publications as the National Post and the Globe and Mai l, as well as being featured on Canada A.M (CTV), As It Happens (CBC) and Global News. Detailed Profile 1. Dr. Calof is recognized as one of the leaders in intelligence and business insight. An associate professor of International Business and Strategy at the Telfer School of Management at University of Ottawa, Dr. Calof combines research and consulting in competitive intelligence, technical foresight and management insight in the creation of the Universities management insight program. As well, he is a Board member for CASIS (Canadian Association of Security and Intelligence Studies), is on the advisory board for the Algonquin College intelligence analyst program, and is also co-director of the Foresight Synergy Network. 2. An article in the Edmontonian called him "one of the world leaders in competitive intelligence". While CA Magazine (Charters Accountants) described him as "a highly sought after, as a consultant, by businesses and government agencies.† 3. Throughout all th ese activities Jonathan is passionate about competitive intelligence and the insights and advantages that all types of organizations can get from it. 4. He has also publis

Monday, November 18, 2019

Building smulation model by arena to ptimize airplane C3 check Essay

Building smulation model by arena to ptimize airplane C3 check manitenance - Essay Example Once ACFT is taken O.O.S different specialty are responsible to accomplish the specified check that it is due for and make an agreed commitment to bring the ACFT back in service (B.I.S) on a specific date and time (Mcgarvey 2009). However, there are so many specialties working to achieve this goal. Therefore, effort on making good utilization and excellent planning must be considered to make sure communication and coordination are applied and insuring all this is not easy. For Instance Airframe is one of the biggest departments that cover under its umbrella many ATA chapters such as fuel, hydraulics, landing gears, flight controls, water and waste, cargo compartment, ice and rain, fire systems as well as empennage, fuselage and wings which belongs to Airframe department. Therefore, we are interested on it and as we imitate and mimic its system we will have a very good picture the maintenance system with specialties other than airframe (Brady & Hillestad 1995). There are power plant, avionics, inspection, cabin and structure or they call tem sheet metal departments. All these specialties attack the plane once it is arrived in the Hanger for heavy maintenance do their best to have back on the pre-selected date and time. A myriad of human factors challenges associated with aircraft maintenance exist. Maintenance and inspection are essential to ensure continuing airworthiness on the aging fleet. New advanced technology procedures for aircraft further complicate the aviation maintenance system. The human is a critical component of the maintenance -system. Therefore, research and development must address a variety of issues affecting the human in maintenance. In order to plan well and have an actual picture of the system shortcomings and high performance areas within the system we will have to simulate that particular system. Simulation is a tool that gives us the chance to mimic any system with data available, analyzed and entered in any program such as Arena which is one of the popular and powerful computer programs (Charlotte 2009). Since we have so many specialties, multiple maintenance scheduled check types as well as many different ACFT types that are owned by Saudi Arabian airlines, the simulation process will get complex, thus, we will mimic only one type of airplane-747-400, one type of maintenance scheduled checks which is C- check (Kinnison 2004). Keywords: Hanger Maintenance, C-Check, Scheduling, Human Component in Maintenance, Simulation. 2.0 Goal The goal of this report is to build a simulation model for Aircraft Maintenance departments’ activities that will allow us to capture each and every process in order to optimize the manpower utilization and reduce maintenance time by eliminating delays especially when bottle necks confront. 3.0 Literature Review The aircraft is the fastest method of transport that can quickly transport people and cargo over longer distances, but incur high costs and energy use. For short distances or in inaccessible places  helicopters  can be used. According to Friend (1992), growth of population explosion in world has raised the air transportation sector; in 2010 it accounts 19% of passenger, and 48% of cargo of whole transportation in world. In 2009, Saudi

Friday, November 15, 2019

Standardisation Vs Customisation

Standardisation Vs Customisation A spectacular globalisation has been observed in the international business due to regional economic integration, advances in transportation, communication, technology and liberalization of worldwide trade policies (Czinkota Ronkainen, 2004; Keegan, 1999).ÂÂ   With the growing international business, international marketing has become more complex and diverse, (Terpstra, 2000; Cateora Ghauri, 2006) environment that is uncontrollable, unpredictable resulting uncertainty in business environment. International business is not only sending goods and services to foreign market but also to deal with different issues that make international marketing more complex, in particular geographical borders, different political systems, business regulations, currency conversions and cultural variety (Keegan, 2002; Geri Ian, 2009). Convincing cases can be put forward for both a standardisation or customisation approach to global marketing practice. These arguments are keenly explored; drawing from examples of Coca-Colas international marketing programme to reveal key points. This report discusses the contemporary issue facing by the global companies in marketing their products. Part One Issue: Global Marketing Standardisation Vs Customisation Global versus local marketing strategy have been a major debate in cross-national business development over decades for global brands (Levitt, 1983; Solber, 2002). The issue here is if the companies should follow a standardized marketing program to different consumer groups in different countries or a customised one by adapting their strategy according to the needs and habits of the specific country. The explanation for this confusion can be supported with two variables, awareness of local market condition at the headquarters and the level of headquarters influence in decision making of local marketing. This dilemma of standardising and customised marketing is mainly due to key factors like cost, ethical issues, legal restrictions, media, culture, and markets. For example taking the leading beverage company Coca-Cola (2003) into consideration it global campaign Life tastes good has been backed just after 2 years after its launch. Now the companies advertising headquarters operates ac cording to the local market needs rather than the draft developed at central headquarters. In addition to this it is also argues that product category is also a key factor in making advertising decisions (Summerfield, 2002). Kay (2002), president of Toronto consulting firm The Glasgow Group in similar fashion says technology and clothing brands tend to fit well with standard marketing but food and beverage products face difficulties with cultural mismatch, category development, brand name and local economy. Another example for customized marketing is McDonalds, a food chain, which customises its marketing strategy as well as products according to the needs and culture of the countries. The products launched in each country differ according to the cultural requirements and habits, economic development and affordability of the targeted class. This is considered to be issue because of the complexity created by the issue in the decision making process of international managers. As the main motive of the advertising is to influence the companys customers in selling their products, it is important for the company to decide if their advertising campaigns are influencing its customers globally in all regions. Thinking from a strategic point of view organisations marketing with a standardised marketing strategy implies offering standard product at standard price through standard distribution system, supported by similar promotional programmes in different counties, with different market requirement and in some cases completely opposite markets, this supports customising approach. On the other hand Cohanim (2002), Vice president of marketing and communication of IBM (Past), says IBM looks at the globe as a single market and IBM try to operate as a single global market, the company supports this by stating the solutions for their industry, customers, products and services are similar for all countries in which they are operating. Critical Analysis: Global Marketing is the strategy involving the four Ps of marketing i.e. Product, Price, Place and Promotion to deal with the markets according to the geographical and cultural adaptation. Complete Standardisation marketing strategy is to offer identical product line and features at identical prices through identical distribution channels endorsed by identical promotional programs. The other extreme of this would be Complete Customisation marketing strategy to develop distinct tailored products, pricing, promotion and distribution policies with no specific standard elements (Imad, Naresh 1995). Many writers have endorsed standardisation instead of customisation for international marketing (Britt, 1974; Clark, 1975; Obrien, 1986). This argument is pleasing as it can be estimated an outstanding sales for a standard global product. Levitt (1983) in his Globalization of Markets states that If a company forces costs and prices down and pushes quality and reliability up while maintaining reasonable concern for suitability customers will prefer its world-standardized products. Also the cost factor, which can be reduced by single marketing strategy when moved to low-cost market, helps the organisation to maintain the quality of the product (Walter, 1986; Yip, 1989). It is also observed that most of the international marketing campaigns are showing attention towards the standardised approach of advertising (Varder, 1992). Some researches conveyed that industrial products lend themselves more easily to standardisation than consumer products (Hite and Fraser, 1988) still, product categories cant be considered as great factor in standardising international marketing (Saimee Roth, 1992). In US, EU markets it is found that businesses with standardised products are well established and gain the advantage of create a standard image of their products (Bharadwrj et al, 1993; Rosen et al, 1989). The other important factor that encourages standardisation is reduce in unit cost, this gain a competitive advantage for the global companies who can easily penetrate into the price sensitive markets and drive the small competitors out of market. Walliser Usunier (1998, p. 530), in their review article, conclude that even though opportunities exist to standardize the strategic levels of international advertising, mainly on a regional basis, considerable adaptation of exceptional elements in international advertising campaign is inevitable. The standardisation or the customisation depends on the products and the notion of the consumers towards the product. Products like laptops, computers, televisions, cameras, watches, cosmetics, and clothing associated with fashion and status, etc are marketed on the basis of their world class recognition and hence a standard approach to campaign the products is used. A customised approach in such cases might not be preferred as they are advances in technology and thus the consumer demands in such cases have universal acceptance of these global products (Yvette Reisinger, 2008). This kind of globalization leads to homogenization of consumer acceptance and adaptation of such goods. But products like food and beverages, services like banking and insurance solutions depend on the habits and tastes and needs and wants of the targeted ethnicity. For example, McDonalds recipes differ from each country it operates and are accustomed to the eating habits of the locals. The pricing of such pro ducts too is done by considering the spending ability of the targeted class. A standardised approach in such case would possibly result in a failure of the product in international markets. Yvette Reisinger (2008), in his book describes the failure of the fast-food concept in France which is well admired in China. The Chinese consumers prefer faster service with low waiting time where as the French consumers seek distinctiveness and identity of the service. The study thus implies that a standardised or a customised technique of marketing products might not be feasible in all cases and depending on the influencing factors; thus, either of them or sometimes both of them might have to be considered. This is understood by a thorough research of the behaviour and adaptations of the countries while launching a product and depending on the mindset and acceptability of the consumers in those geographies (Salah Hassan, Erdener Kaynak, 1994). Philip Kotler in his Global Standardization Courting Danger (1986) describes few such failures of products belonging to renowned brands due to non-customization. Philips initially failed to make profits in Japan due to larger size of the coffeemakers and later did well after reducing the size to accommodate Japanese kitchens. Mattels Barbie doll, a famous product introduced in foreign markets, could have made positive profits with its standard western features accepted by many countries with a lower price m odel. This could also be counter argued by having a culture specific meaning of dolls and the need to have their features reflect a national look with would obviously earn better profits due to wide acceptance (Philip Kotler, 1986). Even though the Barbie sales were good with its western features in 60 countries, the sales in Japan have flourished only after the features of the doll were modified to reflect Japanese. This doesnt completely mean that Mattel has done well in those 60 other countries and leaves behind a dilemma that if there were customized features representing the nations, they could have done better. A proper and complete understanding of these two strategies i.e. standardization and customization is necessary for global marketing and thus enables us to channelize the knowledge to leverage the opportunities in international markets. The idea is not to debate on which of the both is better but to investigate potentiality and research on which of the strategies suit the product (Philip Kotler, 1986). The possibility is that, by applying each of them independently could be successful or by a combination of both the strategies is to be decided while the promotional strategy for the product is being designed. This could be realized by a primary market research in the geographies where the product is being launched and the cultural, economic, political and infrastructural adaptations and limitations of the countries. This is quite necessary for successful marketing and promotion to launch any product in the international markets and to be noticed and appreciated by the consumers of the product. A predetermined notion in this regard is dangerous and might in turn result in a disaster. Depending on the study conducted before the launch, it is then necessary to plan accordingly, the marketing strategy that needs to be implemented (Levitt, 1983). In international markets striking a balance between standardisation and customisation is vitally essential for the product to be successful globally (Amanda 2004). The element for success is an accurate assessment of market forces currently facing the specific brand and how to best take the advantage of this market environment. It is probably one of the reasons that Coca Cola is the worlds most powerful brand as stated by Interbrands Global Brand Scorecard in 2003, estimating its brand value at $70.45Bn(No. 1-0085). Part Two Organisation for Research: Coca Cola, worlds largest manufacturer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverages is the best example for the global marketing. We have considered Coke due to its global recognition and also for its efforts to remain a leader by dealing with the issues in standardisation and customisation strategies. The organisation currently operating in more than 200 countries with over 450 brands and a portfolio of more than 3000 beverage products worldwide, constantly competing with its international rivals as well as local players in the countries it is operating in, to revive its position as a leader in the domain. The vast business structure of Coca Cola has led to prologue of innumerable marketing strategies and theories which have constantly been modified to maintain the brand as a global paramount. Achieving such a position all over the world is no cakewalk for any organisation and involves complex marketing strategies to deal with boundless problems encountering across the world in different countries. A detailed analysis of different strategies and theories implemented by Coca Cola in executing its marketing plan across the world could help us to understand the concepts of standardisation and customisation better, and the advantages and disadvantages of both these theories. Issue and Facts: For any company that is continuously growing it is vitally necessary that it does not contain geographical limitations and that is one theory that Coca Cola has excelled in. On July 29th when the company announced its second quarter results, a raise in profit of 43% has been observed due to overseas growth even though it suffered weak domestic volume (Source 1: NY times). Since the time Coca Cola has started its global expansion, it has either become a leading beverage brand in countries worldwide or it tried to acquire the topmost beverage seller of that country. A recent such deal that Coca Cola tried to make is in China (Source 2: NY times), which unfortunately couldnt be completed due to government restrictions. Reportedly, Coca Cola tried to acquire a Chinese juice maker Huiyuan in the $2.5Billion deal (Source 3: CBS News). The company has ensured an equal market spread across the world and that is how it still made wonderful in spite of the weak economy back home in the United States, by its overseas markets (Source 4: Barrons). Recently in the month of June, it has announced the release of Green Tea Coca Cola in Japan, which they claim is good for health and beauty (Source 5: WBST). The range of products that the brand releases in different countries differs with the local adaptations, tastes and needs of the people. The marketing strategies and ad campaigns too differ depending of the mindsets and interests of people. In the Asian Countries of India and Pakistan, the caption goes as Jo Chaho Ho Jaye Coca Cola Enjoy, by which the brand is recognized in those countries. Most of the captions and marketing plans of Coca Cola are such that they seem to the people to identify and relate themselves with the brand(Ref: 25, 25). The Colalife campaign is another example of Cokes strategy to support the social cause for the Third World countries by supplying social products like Vitamin A tablets in their crates for people who direly need them (Source 6: PFSK). In Spain, Coca-Cola withdrew its 2-liter bottle after discovering that few local refrigerators had large enough compartments (Philip Kotler, 1986). The evidences of such a global leading brand in following the strategy of customization and adaptation regionally in spite of maintaining its international brand image makes it one of the worlds most powerful brands. Literature: Issue Analysis: The Coca Cola Company mission is to expand their business by understanding the trends and forces that will help them to sustain by creating value and making difference (Coca Cola Mission Statement). In the process of achieving this mission, they believe that consumer demand drives everything they do but also brand Coca Cola will always be the core of their business(Ref: 27). The focus on market is by getting into the market to listen, observe and learn what their consumers, customers and partners need. They wish to create a brand image that would inspire creativity, passion, optimism and fun (Coca Cola Mission Statement). The point here is to observe the possibilities of sustainability, which is a key factor in a global market. One should always understand the fact that to be Global, one needs to be local. With a history of more than hundred years, the company has created a brand value for itself for its core business by the name Coca Cola or Coke and thus, is widely recognized by it . The idea now is to sustain its global model by constantly endeavoring new and innovative products that best suit the markets of the countries it is operating in. The theories of standardization and customization have been utilized constantly by this firm to maintain its core brand value as well as making the people feel it as local with its adaptive and customized brands and marketing. The emotional connection that they make with consumers while providing them with product quality and variety builds brand value and drives preference for their beverage products. The issue is, to maintain such an emotional bonding with their customers, they need to listen to their customers and respond to them according to the needs. Various ethnicities have various habits and thus different tastes. The proper control of top management and their readiness to listen to their business customers worldwide and executing marketing plans through proper research and analysis is one the main reasons that Coca Cola is an example for its business model and marketing strategies. They have dealt with the issue of varying needs of their customers by launching products that resemble the countrys ethnic habits and taste. A standardized approach in this case could prove dangerous as, if the product is not welcome by the people, no matter how best the marketing plan is and how well it was received in the home country or for that matter any other country, if people of one particular country dont like the product, it will result in a disaster in that nation thus forcing the com pany to withdraw its operation due to such failure. A proper method would be to deal with their local necessity and simultaneously promote the core brand to achieve standardization. This way, even though customized products are being offered to the people, the core brand value is always promoted. The Coca Cola Company, with its experience in serving the world for more than a century, has excelled in the art of global marketing by customizing its products according to needs and also by maintaining the core brand Coca Cola or simply Coke across the world. Conclusion: The Coca Cola Company, in their 2008 annual review, mentions that We are just getting started. The reason is because currently they are selling 570 billion servings per year which makes it 18,000 servings per second. Estimates show that over the next 12 years the population worldwide would grow by more than 800 million people. In addition, 1 billion new people would enter the middle class population and nearly 900 million people will have migrated to urban centers. That means more consumers with more money who have ability to purchase the ready-to-drink beverages to thrive business. In an attempt to understand and test the product sustainability, the company continuously launches new products with intense marketing campaigns in different countries. Depending on the consumer response and market survival, it either retains the sale of product or withdraws it from the market. In this process of satisfying their customer needs, Coca Cola is constantly gaining experience and is getting re ady for its future targets by getting closer to its customers utilizing the theories of customization and standardization simultaneously and managing their effects intelligently to eliminate any negative effects and addicting people with its adaptive fondness Read more:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

booker t :: essays research papers

Booker T. Washington The purpose for writing on Booker T. Washington is to focus on his educational contributions, and the different speeches he gave during and after the 19th century for African American and for the institution. Booker was born into slavery on a small tobacco plantation on April 5 1856. While in grade school he did not have a last name. When he realized that all of the other children at the school had a second name, and the teacher asked him his, he invented the name Washington. For the first nine years of his life until 1865 when the close of the Civil War emancipated the boy Booker and the remainder of his race, he like many other Americans of dark skin had been considered a piece of property on a Southern plantation. Any education extraneous to their enforced labor had been forbidden to most Negroes in the South. By 1895 however, in his historic Atlanta Exposition Address, Washington was to say: Starting thirty years ago with ownership here and there in a few quilts and pumpkins and chickens (gathered from miscellaneous sources), remember the path that has led from these to the inventions and production of agricultural implements, buggies, steam engines, newspapers, books, statuary, carving, paintings, the management of drug-stores and banks, has not been trodden without contact with thorns and thistles.1 This famous speech placed Washington in the national spotlight as the leader of his race. How did he rise to the top? What were the methods he used to raise his people, and how did he discover those ways? In 1881 citizens in Tuskegee, Alabama, asked Hampton's president to recommend a white man to head their new black college; he suggested Washington instead. The school had an annual legislative appropriation of $2,000 for salaries, but no campus, buildings, pupils, or staff.